Monday, 31 October 2011

Hallow's Eve Mayhem

The sky had turned blackly as if stars had escaped,
And shimbles of mist were hungling like drapes.
Folks had all hastied to be safely indoors
Before zombies and demons arrived in their hordes.

But peeps were so jesty and already guised
As witches and goblins and some as vampires.
All twixy and jeeful they stumbled outside
With Stinky- Jack- lantern lit up as their guide.

They tricksied or treatsied and startled old folk,
By bawling rude songs and jarrating bad jokes.
But the night grew forbodely and was garphooned with grief
For ghoustals were griggling and up to mischief.

A sprottled young sprite surprizled a door,
And  a gas-gurgled goblin just glisseld with gore.
They swappled shop signs and de-hugled the gates
Then lashed down door latches and croppled some crates.

Peeps watched in horror for they would be blamed,
For this monstrooperous mayhem the monsters had made.
So they sprinkelled salt and danged on a bell,
Which trooperd the ghoustals back into hell.

All plexy and pipered the peeps set to toil,
To put right the damage they’d managed to foil.
They un-lashed the latches and stacked up the crates,
Fixied the signs and re-hugled the gates.

There were no signs of ghoustals and bats had all flown,
So tired and sleepy the peeps pottered home.
They would tell all their folks of their terrible fright,
On this ghoulishly ghostly ‘All Hallow’s Eve’ night.

Sue Wharton

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